I’m Pregnant, Hooray! Can I have Botox®?

Those two little words, “I’m pregnant”.  That phrase is going to completely change your life, there’s no doubt about it! Some of us need to be scraped off of the ceiling when we see that blue line, others feel like we’ve aged at least a decade. The whirlwind of emotional and physical changes are unlike anything you’ll have ever experienced before. Is there any wonder that we often have clients asking if they can have Botox® during this time?

Pregnancy can come with a whole host of hormonal changes that can make you feel tired, unsettled, acne-prone and generally not feeling like yourself. It is also associated with weight gain and fluid retention. It’s no wonder, we often find ourselves looking to various lotions, potions and procedures to make us feel ourselves and perhaps a bit pampered too.

Apologies ladies, but Botox® is just one more thing to add to your growing list of “things not to do” whilst pregnant. For those of you unfamiliar, Botox® (or more correctly Botulinum Toxin Type A) is a neurotoxin. It works by acting and relaxing specific muscles to stop them from working or flexing and forming wrinkles on the skin. It is therefore often used to soften out facial expressions and smooth out skin, most commonly around the eyes, mouth and the forehead region.

There has only been one study that has looked at the effects of Botox® on ladies who found out they were pregnant after receiving treatment, the results of which were that more research and data were needed. As such, we currently have no clinical evidence to either support or reject the treatment’s safety in pregnancy. Given the ethical considerations, when we weigh up the potential harm to your unborn baby versus any temporary benefit, no-one will ever be able to conduct a clinical trial. Let’s face it, no-one would want to be the guinea-pig to either prove or disprove this!

What if I’ve accidentally had Botox® and I didn’t realise I was pregnant…? This is something else we often get asked, usually in a sense of panic. Fear not, as mentioned above there is no evidence to suggest that it is either safe or dangerous. We have heard of countless numbers of cases where this has happened, and they have gone on to have happy and healthy babies. But we should remind you that it is not advised that you even consider it if you have any inkling that you might be pregnant – it’s always best to err on the side of caution because it’s just not worth it. Similarly, if you have decided to breastfeed, the rules are essentially the same as if you are pregnant. We recommend that you wait until you stop breastfeeding and both your hormones and skin settle down.

This is a wonderful time in your life and actually that little bit of extra weight and fluid retention can do wonders for plumping your skin, ever heard of the “pregnancy glow”? Enjoy this special time and remember there is absolutely no rush, we will still be here to help you in 9 months’ time (or a little longer if you’re breastfeeding!).

Blog Post by Dr Siobhan Hewson

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