How To Make Botox Last Longer

If you’re looking for one of the best anti-wrinkle treatments, Botox stands head and shoulders above the rest. It will leave you with a youthful glow and smoother skin within days. Botox is a quick treatment with quick results. But even Botox is temporary.

So how long does Botox last? Well, it varies case by case, but generally, you can expect the effects to last between 3-6 months.

But with the cost-of-living crisis happening right now, everyone’s spending very carefully. For many of our clients, Botox treatments are essential; when your skin feels smooth and great, you have such confidence and feel like you can tackle anything. This may not be the case for everyone, so UNNDOO’s Medical Team have put together 6 points to make your Botox treatment last longer.


You’re likely aware that too much sun exposure can damage your skin, causing not only uneven skin tones and spots but those wrinkles you’re looking to prevent in the first place.

Following a Botox treatment, inflammation from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays can also wreak havoc on your skin. It’s essential to wear at least SPF 50 every day to protect you and your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

Don’t forget sunglasses to prevent squinting and hats for that added layer of protection. A note to remember, our mobile and laptop devices also give off UV rays, so protection is super important!


As much as the big companies say that creams and serums may give you the same results as Botox injections, they just won’t. However, various skincare products on the market will strengthen your skin. Look for products with retinol or peptides to promote collagen production. Moisturisers will keep your skin hydrated.

Also, check out Dr Nikita Desai’s blog post on ‘The 4 Essential Steps To Building A Good Skincare Routine’.

Looking after your skin and following the steps will help make Botox last longer.


Exercise in all forms increases the blood circulation in your body, pumping it to all parts of your muscles, heart and skin. 

However, intense exercise (such as HIIT or weightlifting) tends to speed up your metabolic rate, even causing some inflammation in your muscles and so it’s always best to focus on gentler activities.

Do note – Exercising after Botox can reduce the effects of the treatment because of the increase in blood circulation, which would result in potentially your blood might flush some of the botulinum away from the injection site. It could migrate to a different part of your face, so try to wait at least 24 hours after your treatment.


While drinking enough water throughout the day won’t prevent wrinkles, studies show that upping your water intake will improve overall skin health, even increasing elasticity in some. It’s essential to stay hydrated after Botox treatments, as dehydration can lead to a speedier return of fine lines.

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is also recommended to lengthen the time between Botox treatments. Limiting processed foods and sugars will support the overall health of your skin.

Foods that include healthy fats, for example, support hydration and are a key component of healthy skin.


One of the main effects of smoking on the skin is its impact on your skin’s supply of collagen. Collagen is the protein in your skin responsible for its elasticity. Smoking leads to increased production of an enzyme that breaks down collagen, so it reduces your skin’s elasticity and makes it look more aged, sagging and wrinkled.

Smokers have characteristic patterns of wrinkling of the skin, including lines around the mouth and “crow’s feet” around the eyes. The mouth-lines are assumed to be related to the motion of sucking on a cigarette, built up over a long period of time and with the added collagen-depleting effects of smoking. The wrinkles around the eyes are assumed to be due to increased squinting as smoke rises towards the eyes.

Another important effect is the “vasoconstrictive” effect of smoking. This means it causes your blood vessels to constrict, which reduces the blood supply to your skin and means it gets less oxygen and essential nutrients. The smoke released into the air also interacts with your skin and dries it out. There is also the possibility of direct burns to the face from the heat of the cigarette. All these factors contribute to what is called “smoker’s face” – the prematurely wrinkled, washed out and aged look of a smoker.

Meaning smoking will accelerate the need for additional Botox injections between treatments.


Stress touches so many aspects of your life, and the lifespan of your Botox treatments is no exception. In addition to causing a breakdown in the injectables, stress-related facial expressions, like frowning, can affect the efficacy of your last treatment.

Consider how you can manage your stress to prolong your Botox injections, whether that’s deep breathing through meditation, gentle exercise, or relaxation to music.

It’s also important to get enough sleep, as it’s the easiest way to allow for uninterrupted time for necessary repairs in your body. When you rest, your skin rests, as well.

Are you ready to learn more about Botox? Book your home appointment with one of our medically qualified practitioners to learn more about your options and the best treatment plans for you and your lifestyle.

You can find all your local practitioners here.