From square-faced to heart-shaped faced – can Botox® injections really help?

Whenever we hear the word Botox®, we instantly refer to smoothing our lines and wrinkles on the face. However, did you know that it can be used to slim down the jawline?

It is known that a squarish jawline is often an attractive feature in males however, for females it can be considered to be quite masculine. A wider jaw in women can often distort the natural angle of the chin leading to masculinisation of the female face. This is often caused by excess ‘jutting’ of the bone at the sides of the lower jaw. In addition to this, thickening of the masseter muscles can lead to an increase in the volume of these muscles resulting in a wider appearance.

The next question is, what does the treatment actually involve? Good question – believe it or not, the treatment is simple and relatively painless. Firstly, with all aesthetic procedures, it’s important to have treatment by a trained and experienced medical professional. At UNNDOO, your medical professional of choice will carry out a face-to-face consultation and will answer any questions or concerns that you may have. Once they feel that you are suitable for treatment, small amounts of Botox® are injected into the jaw muscle through a series of small injections. You will receive aftercare advice but rest assured, these won’t interfere with your everyday activities. You will start to see the effect after 2 weeks but due to this masseter muscle being quite large, full results are seen at 6 weeks.

So, it really is true, Botox® injections can really help, and the best thing about it is that you don’t have to resort to major surgery to transform your face from square to heart-shaped.

 Visit our website www.unndoo.com to find out more information about the treatment.