5 on 5 with Dr Paras Alizadeh
1) Why did you get into facial aesthetics?
Initially, I wanted to explore facial aesthetics as I thought it married in beautifully with dentistry, so I began my training immediately in 2017 after qualifying from Manchester. I then began to see more uses of toxin within my maxillofacial training year, such as its use in managing Temporomandibular disorder (pain and stiffness around your jaw, ear and temple), which broadened my views. I then continued to attend more advanced courses
2) What would you say to someone thinking of getting Botox for the first time?
I’d say have a thorough consultation and chat with your practitioner and explain your concerns. It’s important the customer knows all the different approaches/treatments – that may or may not involve Botox®.
3) When you aren’t doing Botox what do you do?
I am usually practicing general dentistry. Or more importantly, spending time with my dog.
4) Where would you like to see the industry go?
I would hope the industry becomes more regulated in the future, specifically only medically qualified practitioners being able to inject.
5) What’s your favourite TV show at the moment?
I am currently enjoying ‘I will destroy you’ on BBC. I would recommend as the show touches on really important topics and taboos.
If you have any other questions that you’d like to ask Dr Paras then please leave a comment below.
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