5 on 5 with Dr Hemani Gill

1) Why did you get into facial aesthetics?

I knew that facial aesthetics would be the natural next step for me after my post-graduation. I love makeup and all things beauty so training in facial aesthetics was a way in which I could continue in healthcare but carry out my passion for beautifying! 

2) What is the most interesting question a customer has asked?

The most interesting question that I’ve been asked is: ‘will my face be worse off if I don’t maintain my Botox®?’ My answer to this is no! If the face is unable to cause dynamic lines and wrinkles then you can’t possibly be worse off! 

3) How do you think Botox® helps people?

Botox® has been one of the most unique products to enter the world of medicine. Aside from its amazing cosmetic benefits, it has a huge use in physiological conditions too such as sweating and migraines. 

4) What would you say to someone thinking about getting Botox® for the first time?

I’d say finally! The previous stigma surrounding Botox® has disappeared. Almost everyone is beginning to see the amazing benefits it has and I’d always say that prevention is better than cure! 

5) When you’re not doing Botox®, what do you do?

When I’m not doing botox® I’m usually at the gym or cooking! As a vegetarian, I’m usually trying out new recipes to increase my protein intake. I’ve also recently conducted a food intolerance test to see if this helps with my skincare routine! 

If you have any other questions that you’d like to ask Dr Hemani then please leave a comment below.

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